Monday 24 November 2014

It has to start somewhere

As another month passes by im now starting to get back into the full swing of training over winter, bit by bit upping distance, the aim of the game now is to build a good base of fitness that I can work on over spring and summer,
So what does that entail for me? A lot of miles and hours hopefully but no real desire for speed work at the moment so a lot of my training can be done at a sociable speed (although a lot of my training isn't always sociable hours)
Its at this time of year I also like to try and build on strength with some core work in the gym.
One change in my training plan for this year is to incorporate more stretching into my routines in a bid to stay more supple and hope to keep injury at bay. All was going well until one of my runs was cut short when I went over on my ankle with a misplaced step. As I lay on my back with my leg in the air, all I could think was 'well this ain't ideal', I rang home for a lift and began the process of rasing,  icing compressing and elevating (R.I.C.E) my left ankle a couple of days have passed and the swelling is starting to die down, If I was soley a runner this would ne very bad news for me as it would knock back my training quite a bit, however the big plus of triathlon is I still have two other sports to go at!
So as I rearrange my schedule for the next few weeks to cancel out my runs and up my swim and bike!

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